So good to have you here

We believe that your journey has not led you here by chance.

You are here because the Isar is close to your heart. Because you know that this wonderful part of nature makes your habitat so enjoyable. Because you feel attracted by its special power and wild beauty. But also because you realise that it cannot fully reveal its inherent essence and that people are living at its expense.

Then maybe this too will sound familiar to you:

  • You are trying hard to live in a nature-friendly way, however, sometimes it feels that the challenges are just too big and you are not able to make a difference.
  • You are trying to inform yourself about environmental protection, but the flood of information often overwhelms you.
  • You are uncertain how to behave in nature, because you don’t want to harm the Isar, but you also want to enjoy your leisure time at the river.
  • You don’t know who or what to believe, because you don’t have the professional background knowledge.
  • You have the feeling that we as a society have to decide between economic security and ecological protection and that nature protection is only possible with radical sacrifices.
  • You feel alienated from the Isar and wish for a deeper contact with nature.

Don't get discouraged.

Because we have answers to these questions.

Instead, imagine how you...

  • practice a conscious and safe interaction with nature and the environment
  • enjoy your leisure time at the Isar with a clear conscience and ease, because you know what is nature-friendly
  • live in full awareness that you already have everything inside you to make a difference in the world
  • live in powerful connection with nature and the river – both on an emotional level and through knowledge and understanding
  • learn about the fascinating ecosystem of the wild river accompanied by experts
  • understand the challenges of living together with the Isar and draw courage from sustainable approaches to solutions
  • learn ways to live in harmony with the river and its inhabitants, thus resolving the apparent contradictions between progress, environmental protection and economic needs
  • feel the happiness, contentment and joie de vivre that comes from being in touch with nature.


The Wild River Academy is an independent educational offer for the inhabitants of the Isar regions who wish to live in harmony with man and nature. 

In our workshops we will show you how to create a sustainable, safe and future-oriented relationship with the river. Learn about the fascinating ecosystem of the wild river, experience the Isar naturally and gain enriching perspectives on your diverse living environment, the Isar region. 



You want to actively shape the future of your region? The best foundation for that is knowledge and unbiased information.

In our diverse educational programme, you will not only learn to understand the complex and unique river system. You will also learn about the opportunities and challenges of living together with the Isar and about sustainable solutions for people and the river.

With our offer you will acquire holistic knowledge about the following topics

  • Diversity of life in the river landscape
  • Sustainability and nature conservation
  • Use of resources and energy production
  • Society and culture

Because knowledge and understanding give you the confidence to shape the future of the region consciously and in harmony with the Isar.


Our workshops are led by experts from various disciplines with many years of Isar experience. You can share in their wealth of experience and learn from them in a relaxed atmosphere. 

In addition to specialist knowledge, we also impart an awareness of larger contexts. Because the Isar is more than just a river: it represents a complex ecosystem that can only exist through a sensitive balance of its elements. 

In all of this, we greatly value the independent sharing of knowledge. That is why we operate far from political or economic interest groups and any kind of lobbying.

Finding INTEGRATIVE Solutions

The fascination of the Isar also lies in its diversity.

The numerous elements of its ecosystem influence each other in a dynamic interplay. Get to know the river landscape as a diverse home for both humans and many animal and plant species, and discover it with all its powerful vitality.

In order for humans and the river to exist in harmony, we need holistic approaches. In the search for sustainable solutions, integrative ideas are particularly valuable. Because with them, we keep ecological, social and economic aspects equally in mind.

At the Wild River Academy, you will learn about the possibilities that science already offers us today. And we will show you ways in which we can reach our goal in empathetic cooperation.

Feeling the connection

We also include emotional and intuitive intelligence in our work. Because we are convinced that a holistic understanding of the Isar can only succeed in the interaction of head, heart and belly.

By experiencing the Isar in its natural setting, you can get in touch with the river. Draw strength from the encounter with nature and get to know both the river and yourself from a new, enriching perspective.

In our workshops we place great emphasis on offering an empathetic and attentive environment. This creates the space for mindful encounters in which you can find a profound form of connection – both to the Isar and interpersonally. Guided by intuition and trust, together we find peace, ease and confidence in living with the wild river.

The driving force behind the Wild River Academy

The Wild River Academy was founded by Nico Doering. For more than thirty years, the biologist with a doctorate has tirelessly campaigned for the Isar.

As founder and long-time coordinator of the Isar Alliance, Nico Doering has campaigned for the renaturation of the river landscape in Bavaria against initial resistance from politicians and industry. He received several awards for his achievements in the field of Isar renaturation and his work with a social-ecological-integrative approach.

As a creative forward thinker, Nico Doering is always looking for the best solutions for nature and people. He works financially independently and far away from party-specific interest politics or business lobbying.

He lives his connection to the Isar in a well-balanced combination of science, practice and spirituality. From his close connection to nature, he repeatedly draws the strength to turn his visions into reality – as utopian as they may seem.

Find out more about Nico Doering and his vita